studio and muses,
living by the mountains.


From an ilustrated anthology of some of Korea’s most famous poems. Left is a page for Kim’s ‘진달래꽃’ .
This creative response is particularly sweet (the experience of a first love), and appeals to a younger audience.

There are a varied range of responses, however I reviewed it from a personal lens (melodramatic, a lament) and gathered a sense of defeat.  I believe the poet tends to write from feminine perspective.

It’s also interesting to note society in Korea (1920’s) at the time was strictly patriarchal. Much has changed now, but as a woman from a background that also shares these sentiments, there are residues left (usually ingrained into us as children).
I found a sort of resentment (한, han) in this piece - you want to express yourself, to scream and complain, but this type of behaviour is not welcome.

I’ve been told here - “it is a woman’s duty to present herself well outside“, in my case it was, please wear lipstick or some sort of gloss with colour, it’s a form of ettiquette...and maybe my lips look a bit like a dead fish’s?
It is not about my comfort, but rather to show respect to the people around me. 
This is not a backhanded comment, I am lucky to have loving family and friends, but it comes from a place of care.

So what does the protagonist do in ‘진달래꽃’? She holds it together as she lets her partner leave -
in a beautiful, comfortable way, with a sense of servitude, and refuses to shed a tear. 


The river water, flowers, wind and leaves.... Everything is so beautiful when I’m with you.

I had been re-reading and thinking about this poem all night.


If you get tired of me,
And decide to leave
I would let you go without saying a word.

The azaleas of Yaksan
by Yeongbyeon,
I will pick an armful to strew in your path.

Softly, lightly
take one step after another on the fresh flowers
as you leave.

If you get tired of me,
And decide to leave
I would sooner die than show you tears.

Evening hydrangea in full bloom -
on the way back from my local library.

I’ve been hanging around the Children’s Books section immersing myself in as many stories as possible. I remember when I first started reading months ago, it was a huge mental workout. Now, I don’t feel as drained. 

With every visit, I always seem to somehow make an absolute fool of myself at the front desk. I think the ladies working there are used to my antics (daftness) by now.

Before stepping in today, I reviewed my words and actions (a sort of roleplay like we would take part in class).
“반납 할게요”  I’ll say clearly before placing the books down at the counter with my card.
Only to realise, to my horror I had given them my hospital card instead of my library card.

PS. I’ll take a snap of the book I’m reading soon, I’m very much in love with it!

Summer explorations -

When I take the main streets to Sillim-dong, I tend pass by a local aquarium.
The owner, an ‘ajeossi’ has taken to planting an aquatic garden at the front of his store using styrofoam boxes. I sometimes see him hovering over his garden, hands folded behind his back admiring his plants.

Recently, it has been emanating some smells, becoming particularly stronger this season. Nonetheless, it’s still a joy to walk by.

This is the first time I’ve seen Water Hyacinth in person (the purple flower). I love the creases in the foliage. They’re illegal in Australia, and wreck havoc on the environmental due to their temperament to flourish rapidly.

Summer explorations -

Ridiculously lucky to be able to catch a glimpse of a Chinese Peacock Swallowtail in a small garden.
In a brief moment I thought I stepped into a piece of minhwa!

Summer explorations -

I haven’t had much motivation to explore beyond home due to the long rains and humidity. Instead, I’ve been losing my way around local backstreets as I discover little gardens and other charms.

The (above) potted pink jindallae was from the Spring.
Now the gardens and forests are lush and green, the rains encourages a lot of growth and it tends to be rather wild!

(Horse) weeds and potted gardens. 

Cat Mountain  

Recently, the weather allowed a break between the rains.
During this time, I decided to trek into the nearby mountains - something I had wanted to do in the Summer.

On the way, we accidentally turned onto a wrong path and ended up hiking up a street…. (really, I believe it was a mountain incline disguised cleverly as part of the suburban landscape).
It was so steep my knees nearly buckled onto my feet.

“Keep going,” he cheered. He pushed the small of my back, apparently a technique used to aid the process of moving uphill.

To be continued... here !


hesistant, stuck in time -
Over the weekend, a group of us visited a friend at his hometown Cheonan-si (famous for hodu-gwaja).

It was the first time I’ve seen corn fields and various vegetable patches in the middle of a bustling city. We mostly spent time under the blistering sun by the lake, and cooled down with bingsu.

High humidity,
Everything is sticky; this exacerbates my dislike for Summer.

Tonight is an exception - some cool after the storm. The frogs from Cheongnyongsan seemed to have moved into the garden; 개굴개굴...

Note: More about resident stray here !

Summer gardens on the way to and back from SNU. Waiting at bus stops with giant fans attached to them. Sporting large billowy t-shirts and ‘cooling’ pants.

6월  6일

Memorial Day - Korean flags fly from windows in the humid breeze, some hang half-way from balconies and others on poles.

Today is a much welcome respite from the gruelling week at SNU - we speak no English in class, with writing and speaking being rather intense. But I’ve come out with more confidence with my 한국어, and I’m able to hold a basic conversation with my family now.
Fishing cabins at Yedang Reservoir.

Yesan-gun (’Korea’s Apple Country’) -
a foggy day.

Bongsusan -

Still gathering fly-away thoughts...
I’ve been running around studying plants, trees and rocks while highly caffeinated (coffee is far too easy to access in South Korea, even in the countryside).

Below, a little awkward snap of myself by a gaudy bridge at an arboretum.

More on my stay here!

Back in Seoul -
Giant lanterns of elaborate dragons, phoenixes and elephants line-up neatly on the asphalt in the empty carpark, obscured in the dark by the temple.
Initially planned to parade for Buddha’s birthday, cancelled due to rain.

Staying in Taean-gun, last Moon in Spring
town at the edge of the sea -

Strolling by small makeshift farms
She spots an orange stray in the setting light,
One eyed, muddy paws walking among
She calls to it / cat! mimicking a meow.

Note: More about my time in Taean-gun here !

May in full force -
My windows had been wide open this season,
Allowing the Spring breeze sift in through the mountains…
I’ve slowly noticed my studio has been building up with a fine layer of yellow dust,
Pollen from the pine trees.

Back home, a snap before the jindallae wilts.
The last to bloom, swathes of bright red shrubs curated at the foot of the mountain.

In Geoje-do -
Little vegetable gardens squeezed into unused spaces.
Geoje-do, surreal in the weekend rain;
Billowing cloud embrace half-scooped forests and ocean in a thick mist. The landscape is diluted in white, where distance shades the edges of the world into a blank canvas.

Night, from the top of the mountains I keep my pace with friends in the drizzle. I worry about my footing on the slipperly uphill, and silently wish not to catch a cold before my week of meetings.
A few scattered street lamps throw faded light onto our paths. We pass a war memorial filled with plastic windmills. The island is much darker than the never-sleeping districts in Seoul. The sound of croaking frogs overwhelming.

Huddled in my windbreaker I look over the wire fence onto a sleeping suburb guarded by giant cranes and shipping containers.
I point: the cranes are their own mountains.
Their peaks illuminated by a pulsing light that highlighted text ‘Hanwha’.
‘Goliath’ is what Jaeil calls them. He works with them.

This once quiet port is becoming a commercialised shipyard under mega industries.  T
here is a strange grit, an uncanniness being on a forest island that is slowly overtaken by industry...
It was like stepping into a Jeffrey Smart painting.

by the mountains

The Community Garden in the mountains.

I’m so bummed I had missed the deadline to book a plot at the community gardens this year! ︎
I have a ‘to-do’ list I’m meandering through, of things I hope to see and achieve during my stay in Korea. ‘Gardening’ was a long-shot due to time and space, so I had convinced myself that living beside the mountains were enough...

Well...at least I can observe the annual gardening competition at the end of the year!

Between the trees in the Spring,
back to the mountains -

The forest floor is littered with fallen chestnuts and pink blossom petals. They’re edible, but will remained untouched for birds and squirrels.
Creeping nostalgia;

I had received a letter confirming my admission into Seoul National University’s program for language studies.
A little apprehensive about studying again, but I’ve decided take advantage of my time in Korea to formally further my speaking and writing.
More here!

Splash! Buncheong Ware with Fish Designs, The National Museum of Korea.

I was able to catch this exhibition before it wrapped up late April. I absolutely love the selection of fish designs!

Buncheong is one of my favourite forms in Korean ceramics. At the time it was practiced regardless social class, made with free silhouettes and decorated with child-like drawings and patterns (stamping, sgraffito, incision...).
A few contemporary ceramicists (I love) who utilise the style in their work include Lee Kang Hyo and Huh Sangwook.

National Treasures at The National Museum of Korea, Seoul.

More here!

Hiking -
Gwanaksan, half awake.

I’ve been easing into a schedule that combines work and regular fitness at six-am starts. This was habitual in Sydney, but a tad exhausting in Seoul.

There is mindfulness required when adapting to Korean society (practicing language, learning manners, lifestyle, keeping up with appearances… may go into this a little more someday)!

Dance classes started this week; ridiculously fun and adjusting to the teacher’s (very fast paced) style.
The class has been welcoming despite the language barrier (I was invited into their Kakao group too!) It was also an opportunity to listen and speak, piecing conversations with words I recognise while using my ‘nunchi’ 눈치.

Spring smog wraps up March in Seoul,
and April brings in the first blooms.

In the mountains, genari, 개나리 and jindallae, 진달래 are the first hallmarks of Spring. They dot the sleeping landscape in bright yellows and pinks before the warmth ushers in the green.

I’m shy of my third week here, but the amount of administrative matters handled so far had made my stay feel close to months.

Rainy day with coffee at a local cafe, Gentle Slope 젠틀슬로프 .

Little garden in Itaewon

Moon Jars Joseon Dyntasy,  18th c, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul.

An incredible experience to see these in real - two empty halves pieced together, and a part of my life is complete. 

More of our visit here!

Olafur Eliasson, Gravity Stairs (2014), Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul.

A wonderful day with Lara and Jeonghoon at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art  in Seoul.

Strolls around the neighbourhood.

In Seoul -

I spot noisy fledglings on a low hanging branch, nest made clumsily stooping over the road.
“What about passing cars and strays...?
A meow responds between a thicket of still-dormant shrubs.  An orange tabby eyes me warily, bell jingling at his collar as he lazily treads up the mountain.

... intoxicating scent of nectar,
floral pine with a hint of light honey
oozing from the centre onto my fingers, 
sticky, sticking like sap
as I harvest the sunflower seeds

A few sunflowers had bent over in the summer storms.
I hope to glean a few good seeds even though they may not be completely ready for picking!

Sydney -
Stepped into the new year with a few hour hike through the mountains, tackling steep stairways and narrow, rugged terrain carved by the wind...

...then caught in a thunderstorm.
The rain, my yearning to live in the forests:
Soaked to the bone, hearing the sound of bird calls from low land, and seeing the rifts from lightning breaking grey clouds.